Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Second day of filming

For our second day of filming my group were more organised compared to our first day of filming. We had made sure that we were fully prepared with scripts, equipment and the types of shots that we wanted.
Because this was our second experience of filming our in depth planning and organisation of the day benefited us greatly as we had an objectives of what we wanted to achieve by the end of the day was to film the section of the trailer where our protagonist was crying on her bed piecing the notes together to form the sentence 'WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID'

For the crying scene we wanted to create the right atmosphere of tension and suspense so we adjusted the lighting using both artificial and natural lighting to do so. For our characters' costume we wanted to emphasise her sadness so we dressed her in a variation of black and grey shades instead of bright bold colours to show happiness.

In this scene we used a variety of different over the shoulder shots, close ups, zoom in/outs, wide shots and also panning shots. The advantage of filming a variety of different types of shots allows us to have a selection to choose from when editing and give us the option of creating different view points for the audience. With filming some of these shots we found difficulty with the continuity as we had to make sure objects in the shot where not misplaced in-between takes.

To make filming for us easier we connected the camera to a screen (using a scrat lead) in order to easily see what we were shooting, and see what angles were most effective for the scene. Viewing the shots from different angles and position allowed us to become aware of smaller details, for example, when watching one of the shots we filmed Thegla noticed the microphone was in the shot - we then had to re do the shot.

Our most effective technique of making the actress took distressed and crying was to apply Olbus oil around her eyes and smudge her make up. Through out the day we had to do this a number of times so the effect didn't wear off as we needed to re shoot some scenes.

Some props that we needed to shoot the day included were:
- scrunched up tissues (to imply the characters crying) and,
-a mobile phone (in order to receive the last text)

The only obstacle of the day we uncounted was a technical issue, where the text on the mobile was to small for the camera to pick up. We then decided to use the mobiles camera to take a picture of word from a newspaper and display it with a wide screen option so that it was visible on camera.

Whilst filming, we decided to create more of an air of suspense for our audience, so we changed the order of the notes being found: firstly the character will create the sentence 'DID YOU KNOW WHAT' then remembering the note received by text she arranges them to sat 'YOU KNOW WHAT WE DID' and finally the correct sentence of 'WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID'

Overall our day was successful as our pre planning and organisation allowed both cast and crew to know exactly what we they doing and how. Our mistake of not fully planning for our first filming day allowed us to learn from our mistake and know what to expect this time round.

Here are some pictures taken over the period of the day:

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